Want to book a trip?

Here’s how it works.

Step One

Tell us about the trip you envision.

You can be as general or detailed as you want for this first step. Use our questionnaire as a guide, making sure to include your best contact information.

Want to see a sample trip request?

Step Two

Together, we narrow in on the details.

We will contact you to narrow in on the details and how we can best be of service to you. Once we know, we’ll give you next step guidance and pricing for working together.

Step Three

We begin planning your trip!

To book our custom travel services, we require a deposit of the total. Once you’re all booked in, we can begin the exciting process of planning your trip!

Ready to get started?

Sample Trip Requests

“I went to Grindelwald in the summer hiking season and would like to return for a ski season. Maybe also northern Italy.”

Salty Mountain Escapes provided: research, all bookings (air, train, car, lodging, lift passes, ski rentals, additional group activities), and a 1-week escorted trip for 8.

“My 84 yo mother wants to take a trip somewhere warm this spring with my brother and I. No longer than a 3 hour trip by air. I am completely overwhelmed by my options.”

Salty Mountain Escapes provided: We researched 3 options for destinations, and once the destination was established, we recommended 3 lodging options. We booked their lodging and air travel, and researched and recommended activities to meet the needs of their unique group.


Itinerary research and development

$200 per 7-day trip

Negotiation & booking: air, lodging, and activities

$100 per 7-day trip

Salty Mountain Escapes customized excursions

Individually priced.

Fill out our form here and check “Hiring a guide” for more info.

Escorted trips & private guides

Cost of travel, lodging, and $25-$100 per day (depending on needs)

Ready to get started?

© Copyright Salty Mountain Escapes